The Bradbury QTR™ Purlin Roll Former
Form Cee and Zee sections in a single roll space.
The QTR™ purlin roll forming machine forms both Cee and Zee sections in a single roll space. You save footprint and setup time. In addition, the QTR™ turns out U-channel, base angles, and integrated eave sections. Innovative features increase section control and quality, reduce labor, and contribute to operator safety.

Bradbury's QTR™ is the fastest changing purlin roll former in the industry.
The QTR™ double-faced forming tools are mounted in a fixed position and never need adjustment. The side forming of these rolls has the added benefit of eliminating scuffing. The Bardie™ Cartridge, an exclusive feature on the QTR™, provides automatic gauge adjustment. Features include increased productivity, reduced setup time, simplified maintenance, less floor space required, simple cee to zee changeover, automated gauge change, automatic anti-flare unit, anti-twist unit, reduced scrap, and production friendly guards.